On May 13, 2006 the MSSM Friendship Scholarship Foundation,
celebrated with friends, family, and the University of California,
Merced in the dedication of the McFadden-Willis Reading Room. This
room is a contemplative reading room one story higher than the rest
of the library, with windows that spill light out over the campus
and valley at night. It bears a portrait of the four children
whose lives inspired the Friendship Scholarships, and a gorgeous
carved crystal plaque honoring all donors to the Foundation.
Dedicated in memory of Melanie, Stanley, Stuart, and Michelle, this
room will help our community remember the gifts that these children
were to those around them. The McFadden-Willis Reading
Room would not have been possible without the generous support of
our donors. Our sincere appreciation goes out to:
Christine B McFadden
Elizabeth Boonstra McFadden
Kurt & Catherine McFadden Huffmaster Family
UC Davis Veterinary Class of 1982
Paul Umeda
Robert & Janet Sondag Bradford
Lexie Endo Ng & Janelle, Cayla & Dina Kityama
Jaime Bond
Jon & Brenda Wolfson
Gaye Naiditch
Mike Hayes
Jeff, Karen, Emily & Nathan Baladad
James, Sabra, Samantha, Sabrina, Lexi & Tori
R Bruce Miller
Jim & Marcie Correa
Dalvir & Kamaljit Chahal
Vernon & Camille Haraburda Williams
Adam & Mary Sacchetti
Linda Tatum & Robert Davis
Steven, Beverly & Mark Rowan
Nicholas Velasquez
Gerry & Doris Peterson Family
Matt Makinson
Krishna, Suma, Vikas & Ramesh Thondapu
Glenn & Virginia Walters
The Student Body Council of Our Lady of Mercy
Curt & Ruth Peterson
Gerald W Corman
Cathy Westlund
Christine, James, Nancy, Judd, Yvette & Jason
Assemblywoman Barbara Matthews
Beaver Creek Farm & Rodney Dill
Hanimireddy & Vijaya Lakireddy
Kaitlin Kanabay
Nancy Evans
Nicole Seneca
Jenny Imberi
Caslin Distributing
In Loving Memory of Jeanette Corman
Mike & Sue Rager
Bettylou George and Family
Lidia C Sanseau
Reba White
Gus & Teresa Scoto
Dario & Jo Giampaoli
David Lesher
The Zajac Family
Janet Ayers
Robert & LaDeane Parker
Jim & Patty Willis Gabel
Don & Sharon Dooley
Bobby & Tina Olivarez Nelson
Bobby M Hoang
Valley Animal Hospital
Robert & Linda Olzack
Drew Gleason
I Believe In YOU!
Thanh Thi Nhu Tran
Coby Ann La Mattina
Creed, Ellen & Spencer Rowan
Christian Madayag
Juan Valdez, Jr
Elmo M Giampaoli
In Loving Memory of Susie Rossi
Mike & Patty Keennon
Rick, Becky & Alex DeBusk
Senator Jeff Denham & family
In Loving Memory of Ramesh Garisa
Kathleen M Crookham
Vikram Lakireddy
Sid Lakireddy
MaryEllen Easby
Don & Joan Brammer
Gary Rieke
In Loving Memory of Mary Lohman
Stillbow Ranch Duck Club
Takeshi & Takako Endo
Doris & Lou Gonella
Tom & Sherry Hawker
Me n Ed’s Pizza
Clifford & Alice Spendlove
Richard W Allinson
Fred & Peggie Reeves
Robert & Kim Rogina
Damon Goldstein
Rick & Tami Davidson
Merced Downtown Rotary
Derrick Olzack
Sharon Lohman
Daniel M Franey
Sherrie Spendlove Gallo
Dan Morrow
Joseph Raggio
David & Holly Zacharias
Matt & Erin Willis
Gabel Johnson
Lori Rossi
Sophie Kanabay
Siana Velasquez
Isabella Knittel
Paul & Heidi Raggio Family
Santa Fe Pet Hospital
WalMart Merced 2039
Hari Singh
Jerald & Elizabeth Young
EJ Almo & Madeleine Lorenzi
Wendy Fister & Katelyn Tassey
Skip & Michelle George
Darren & Nick Pouncey
Katy Proietti

I am the dust in the sunlight, I am the ball of the sun,
To the dust I say: Remain. And to the sun: Roll on.
I am the mist of morning, I am the breath of evening.
I am the rustling of the grove, the surging wave of the sea.
I am the mast, the rudder, the steersman and the ship.
I am the coral reef on which it founders.
I am the tree of life and the parrot in its branches,
Silence, thought, tongue and voice.
I am the breath of the flute, the spirit of man,
I am the spark in the stone, the gleam of gold in the metal,
The candle and the moth fluttering round it,
The rose and the nightingale drunk with its fragrance.
I am the chain of being, the circle of the spheres,
The scale of creation, the rise and the fall.
I am what is and is not. I am - O Thou who knowest,
Jelaleddin, oh, say it - I am the soul in all.
My sincere and heart-felt appreciation to all,
B. McFadden, DVM